What does 'The Temple Of The Feminine Flame' stand for?
'The Temple' stands for a safe and sacred space of devotion, transformation, timelessness and beauty. 'The Feminine Flame' refers to the expanding of the divine feminine that's awakening in all of us, on a global level - and the immense importance of this movement for a balanced earth, life and heart.

What makes The Temple so special?
It is rare you'll find feminine based spirituality rooted strongly both in the psychological/relational/embodied (groundwork) and the mystical/devotional/shamanic (energetic) layers. We work with both the masculine and feminine energies within you, not just the feminine expression, which offers strength, sovereignty and balance. It is a place where you'll not only find a home, where you learn and shed layers that no longer serve you, but a portal where you'll step into your greatest power, express your full heart and creativity and mature and deepen your own offerings to the world. Besides the wide range of feminine-related themes we offer, we've been building our community for four years now. The support, care, teachings, network, love and sisterhood it has created is a being of her own. It will mirror you, hold you and empower you in ways you've never been before. You'll be welcomed within this web of women that is absolutely priceless. Lastly, we are a sisterhood with depth and devotion, where laughter and fun is equally welcomed.

I missed the live session. Will there be a replay?
Yes, all live sessions are recorded and uploaded to your membership portal within 48 hrs of the event, so you can view them in your own time.

Is The Temple for women new to this work or more advanced?
We welcome all women, all ages, of any sexual preference, on any part of their journey to the circle with a certain level of mental and emotional stability and willingness to engage with the sessions with devotion, respect and positivity.

We work trauma-informed. This means we take into account everybody will have experienced some level of trauma in their life and we strive to provide a caring, respectful and safe environment for all participants in The Temple. If you have doubts if this is the right space for you, please contact us and we'll help you get clarity.

If you're new to this work, we invite you to explore topics of interest through the recordings of year one and two of The Temple (formerly called 'Haseya Tribe'), since they offer an elaborate journey onto this path. For more advanced practitioners, we will offer plenty of opportunities to deepen your work. 

How can I apply for one of the scholarship spots?
We're offering three discounted scholarship spots; 25%, 50% & 75% off for the entirety of the nine months. These spots are only for those who will in no way be able to join the temple without the discount. If you’d like to apply for the one of these seats, please email us your desired discount + reasoning and we'll take it from there.

Can I get a refund?

Overall, there are no refunds. We do, however, understand there are exceptions. You may email us your question and explanation. If you sign up for a course with a monthly payment plan, you're agreeing to conclude your payment till the final month the course is running. It is not possible to step out any earlier.

How do I book in en extra session with Sarah?
It's understandable you could use extra private mentoring during this year's journey. Send us an email and we'll book you in for a private 75 min session.

Has your question not yet been answered? 
Email us at [email protected]om
We're happy to help!